Day 24 Father's Day

11:34 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Well today is Father's Day here in America.
We went to Father's Day lunch, I had some Fish. Doug had some meat which was pretty good but it had spicy sauce, my fish was pretty good but it had spicy pineapple salsa and the sauce was pretty sweet.

Then we came home watched a movie, Doug took a nap I was trying to take a nap but I just didn't fall asleep.  Then I just came to the computer and wrote my blog what I did yesterday because I forgot to write, we came home so late and I wasn't in a mood to write.

We really didn't do anything else, Doug gave Father's day cards at the morning to his dad and that's it.

And soon it's time to go bed. It's 11:34 pm

Loves, Melina

Here a palm tree for you guys.
