Day 9 & Day 10

10:39 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Well I didn't wake up early I wanted to stay bed late.

Then we went to eat some lunch with Doug's family, to this Italian restaurant.
I had Baked stuffed cheese ravioli they were good.
Doug had same but meat inside.

Then we went to see some street art at Wynwood, there was a lot I forgot to take pictures I was so busy watching all the pretty art :D

Then we came home and played some league and drink same time.

And then we decided to go out. We went to a bar which is called The Bar. :D

We had really fun and got bit drunk but we had fun yeah.

And Monday we are going to Orlando.

Sunday waking up with little bit of headache, I don't drink much water when I drink even I should, but oh well.

We went to eat some breakfast with Doug's family to Jimmy's, its really nice diner. It was packed today thought but we made it.
I had some Grilled Chicken Breast Sandwich because I was so hungry because all the drinking last night.

Then we came home and I fell asleep I was soo tired of the sandwich and I need a food nap. Were thinking to go see a movie but I fell asleep. Maybe some other time.

When I woke up Doug was still out because they went to see a movie with his dad and his brother, his mom stayed home for me because I was going to see movie with her because boys didn't wanna see the movie we wanted to.

When Doug came home we ordered some Chinese takeway, awesome stuff I love it.
And then it was his turn to take a nap. Because I took it earlier.

And now hes watching some basketball from the tv.
Tomorrow gotta get up early and head to Orlando, we are going to Universal Studios !!
I am so excited to go there with my babe <3

Anyways Loves, Melina
